Kids & Families

Story Time
Tuesdays at 10
Story Time is presented by Lakeland Family Resource Center at Shell Lake Public Library. Join us for a book, craft, and snack!

Wee Readers
Pick up a reading log from the library. When the sheet is filled, bring it back to the library for a free book and another reading log!
What’s Next?
The Secret Life of Owls with Hunt Hill Nature Center
What do owls eat? Lucky for us, owls leave behind a compact little pellet with all the evidence. Join Sage Dunham from Hunt Hill Nature Center to dig into an owl pellet and learn some facts about owls along the way. This interactive program is great for families.
Talking Cheese with The Cheese Brothers
Monday October 14 is the start of Wisconsin Science Week! What better way than to kickoff Science Week than with one of Wisconsin’s favorite things–cheese! Barron County business The Cheese Brothers will be joining us Monday October 14 from 4 to 5 pm. They will be sharing...