(715) 468-2074 | Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-1pm staffslplibrary@gmail.com

Kids & Families

Story Time

Tuesdays at 10 

Story Time is presented by Lakeland Family Resource Center at Shell Lake Public Library. Join us for a book, craft, and snack!


Wee Readers

Pick up a reading log from the library. When the sheet is filled, bring it back to the library for a free book and another reading log!

What’s Next?

Literary Valentines

Literary Valentines

Valentine’s Day may be February 14, but we will be celebrating the whole month at the library! Adults and children are invited to drop off valentines for their favorite author, book, or character! We will display the valentines in the library for the month of February. We...

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Love My Library Month

Love My Library Month

February is Love My Library Month! Stop in and tell us why you appreciate libraries, what makes Shell Lake Public Library special, or your favorite library story. We invite you to share your library story with the staff. With your permission, your story could be shared on...

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Library Calendar