(715) 468-2074 | Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-1pm staffslplibrary@gmail.com

Kids & Families

Story Time

Tuesdays at 10 

Story Time is presented by Lakeland Family Resource Center at Shell Lake Public Library. Join us for a book, craft, and snack!


Wee Readers

Pick up a reading log from the library. When the sheet is filled, bring it back to the library for a free book and another reading log!

What’s Next?

Library Card Sign-Up Month

Library Card Sign-Up Month

Northern Wisconsin Libraries Celebrate National Library Card Sign-Up Month in September Sign up for a library card at a Northern Waters Library Network location during the month of September and you could win a $50 prize! Whether you’re upgrading your skills, scouting for...

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Story Time Tuesdays at 10

Story Time Tuesdays at 10

Join us at Shell Lake Public Library for Story Time Tuesdays at 10. We will have stories, a craft, and a snack. We will be doing story times in six week rotations. The first five weeks will be stories, a craft, and snack, and the sixth week will be a playgroup. During...

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Library Calendar