(715) 468-2074 | Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-1pm staffslplibrary@gmail.com
Device Advice

Device Advice

The Shell Lake Teen Advisory Board (T.A.B.) will be available Saturday May 4 from 11 until 12:30 for device advice. Adults age 50+ are invited to bring their phones and tablets into the library to receive device advice from T.A.B. Device advice is a drop in event....
Story Hour with Shell Lake State Bank

Story Hour with Shell Lake State Bank

Monday April 15 is the start of Money Smart Week! It is never too early to start teaching financial literacy. We will have a special story time Monday April 15 with Shell Lake State Bank at Shell Lake Public Library. We will have a snack and each kid will receive a...
Silent Book Club

Silent Book Club

Adults 18+ are invited to join us for our first silent book club Tuesday April 9 from 4:30 to 5:30 pm at the Shell Lake Public Library. What is silent book club? Silent book club is for individuals who are excited and interested in discussing books while being able to...