(715) 468-2074 | Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-1pm staffslplibrary@gmail.com


The Secret Life of Owls with Hunt Hill Nature Center

The Secret Life of Owls with Hunt Hill Nature Center

What do owls eat? Lucky for us, owls leave behind a compact little pellet with all the evidence. Join Sage Dunham from Hunt Hill Nature Center to dig into an owl pellet and learn some facts about owls along the way. This interactive program is great for families.

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Talking Cheese with The Cheese Brothers

Talking Cheese with The Cheese Brothers

Monday October 14 is the start of Wisconsin Science Week! What better way than to kickoff Science Week than with one of Wisconsin’s favorite things–cheese! Barron County business The Cheese Brothers will be joining us Monday October 14 from 4 to 5 pm. They will be...

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Adult Murder Mystery

Adult Murder Mystery

AODA and Shell Lake Public Library present an adult murder mystery: The Great Bake Down Monday September 30 from 5 to 7 pm. Join us as we enter the competitive baking show. It’s not on the menu, but a murder has been ordered. It is up to you to tie on the apron, scour...

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Make a Watershed

Make a Watershed

Saturday the 21st through Sunday the 29th is Storm Water Week. In celebration of Storm Water week, we ask you ‘what is a watershed’? The ponds, streams, creeks, rivers and lakes in our communities are full of life, and they are all connected to each other. Join Park...

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Local Herbs for Your Health

Local Herbs for Your Health

Join Master Herbalist Lisa from Silver Creek Herbals and learn some fascinating and practical uses for plants that grow right here in our area! Lisa will share with you her knowledge of plant medicine, along with a few easy to use recipes and applications. In addition...

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Silent Book Club

Silent Book Club

Silent Book Club will be meeting Monday September 23 from 4 to 5 pm. Silent Book Club is a great way for adults who are enthusiastic about discussing books and authors to meet other enthusiastic readers. The first half hour is reserved for discussing current and...

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