(715) 468-2074 | Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat. 9am-1pm staffslplibrary@gmail.com

February is Love Your Library Month, and libraries in the Northern Waters Library Network invite you to share why you love your library for a chance to win a prize!

The secret is OUT: libraries make life better! Libraries in the Northern Waters Library Network invite you to celebrate Love Your Library Month in February by showing some love to your local library for a chance to win a prize!
We want to know: how has your library made YOUR life better? Submit your library love story using our online form by February 28 and you’ll be entered into a prize drawing for a $50 Visa gift card!

Your local library offers something for everyone! Library cardholders in the Northern Waters Library Network have access to thousands of items shared by NWLN’s 30 libraries, including print and digital materials, online classes and resources, and equipment from strollers to snowshoes!
Stop by your local NWLN library to find out how they can improve YOUR life!